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Bach Flower Remedies, developed by Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930s, are a system of natural remedies designed to address emotional imbalances and promote holistic wellbeing. Dr. Bach believed that emotional disharmony was the root cause of many physical ailments and sought to create a gentle yet effective method for restoring emotional balance. The remedies are derived from various flowers and plants, each chosen for its specific ability to address different emotional states and tendencies. These remedies offer a gentle yet powerful approach to emotional healing by working on the subtle energies of the body and mind. They are believed to help alleviate negative emotions such as fear, uncertainty, despair, and loneliness, allowing one to experience greater emotional resilience and inner peace. By addressing the underlying emotional causes of distress, Bach Flower Remedies can help individuals cultivate a deeper understanding of their feelings and develop healthier coping mechanisms. The remedies work on the principle that emotional imbalances can manifest as physical symptoms if left unaddressed. By restoring emotional equilibrium, Bach Flower Remedies aim to prevent the progression of emotional turmoil into physical illness. They are typically taken orally in dilute form and are safe for people of all ages, including children and pets. The remedies are selected based on an individual's emotional state rather than the specific symptoms they exhibit, making them a highly personalized form of healing that considers the unique needs of each person. Overall, Bach Flower Remedies offer a gentle and non-invasive way to support emotional well-being, promoting harmony between mind, body, and spirit. After your session you will be provided with an intuitively selected Bach Flower Remedy Mixture. The mixture may be composed of up to 7 essences, which are preserved with a trance amount of Brandy, and mixed with spring water. Frequency not quantity is important. Take 4 drops 4 times a day until finished.*** No contraindications ***




                                            38 BACH FLOWER REMEDIES


There are 38 Bach Flower Remedies. I have listed a few of the negative feelings they represent and the positive effects they aim to promote:


Agrimony - Negative Feeling: Mental torture, hidden worries | Positive Effect: Inner peace, honesty


Aspen - Negative Feeling: Apprehension, unknown fears | Positive Effect: Inner security, trust


Beech - Negative Feeling: Intolerance, criticism | Positive Effect: Tolerance, understanding


Centaury - Negative Feeling: Weak-willed, subservient | Positive Effect: Assertiveness, independence


Cerato - Negative Feeling: Lack of trust in one's own decisions | Positive Effect: Self-trust, certainty


Cherry Plum - Negative Feeling: Fear of losing control, irrational thoughts | Positive Effect: Inner calm, rationality


Chestnut Bud - Negative Feeling: Failure to learn from past mistakes | Positive Effect: Learning from experience, observation


Chicory - Negative Feeling: Over-possessive, selfish love | Positive Effect: Unconditional love, selflessness


Clematis - Negative Feeling: Dreaminess, lack of interest in the present | Positive Effect: Focus, groundedness


Crab Apple - Negative Feeling: Self-disgust, cleanliness | Positive Effect: Purity, acceptance


Elm - Negative Feeling: Overwhelmed by responsibility | Positive Effect: Confidence, capability


Gentian - Negative Feeling: Discouragement, skepticism | Positive Effect: Faith, resilience


Gorse - Negative Feeling: Hopelessness, despair | Positive Effect: Hope, optimism


Heather - Negative Feeling: Self-centeredness, need for attention | Positive Effect: Empathy, understanding


Holly - Negative Feeling: Hatred, envy, jealousy | Positive Effect: Love, compassion


Honeysuckle - Negative Feeling: Dwelling on past events, nostalgia | Positive Effect: Living in the present, forward-looking


Hornbeam - Negative Feeling: Mental fatigue, Monday morning feeling | Positive Effect: Mental vitality, enthusiasm


Impatiens - Negative Feeling: Impatience, irritability | Positive Effect: Patience, tolerance


Larch - Negative Feeling: Lack of confidence, fear of failure | Positive Effect: Confidence, self-assurance


Mimulus - Negative Feeling: Known fears, shyness | Positive Effect: Courage, bravery


Mustard - Negative Feeling: Depression without reason | Positive Effect: Lightness, joy


Oak - Negative Feeling: Exhaustion, overwork | Positive Effect: Strength, resilience


Olive - Negative Feeling: Mental and physical exhaustion | Positive Effect: Restoration, vitality


Pine - Negative Feeling: Guilt, self-blame | Positive Effect: Self-acceptance, forgiveness


Red Chestnut - Negative Feeling: Over-concern for others | Positive Effect: Trust, reassurance


Rock Rose - Negative Feeling: Extreme terror, panic | Positive Effect: Courage, calmness


Rock Water - Negative Feeling: Self-repression, rigidity | Positive Effect: Flexibility, openness


Scleranthus - Negative Feeling: Indecision, fluctuation | Positive Effect: Balance, decisiveness


Star of Bethlehem - Negative Feeling: Shock, trauma | Positive Effect: Comfort, healing


Sweet Chestnut - Negative Feeling: Extreme mental anguish | Positive Effect: Serenity, inner strength


Vervain - Negative Feeling: Over-enthusiasm, fanaticism | Positive Effect: Moderation, calmness


Vine - Negative Feeling: Domineering, inflexible | Positive Effect: Leadership, wisdom


Walnut - Negative Feeling: Transition, protection from change | Positive Effect: Adaptability, protection


Water Violet - Negative Feeling: Aloofness, pride | Positive Effect: Openness, humility


White Chestnut - Negative Feeling: Persistent unwanted thoughts, mental chatter | Positive Effect: Mental clarity, tranquility


Wild Oat - Negative Feeling: Uncertainty about life direction | Positive Effect: Purpose, clarity


Wild Rose - Negative Feeling: Apathy, resignation | Positive Effect: Enthusiasm, interest


Willow - Negative Feeling: Self-pity, resentment | Positive Effect: Acceptance, forgiveness 



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